Accessori per macchine effetti a fumo professionali

Smart liquid control unit
195,50 €
-22% (Listino251,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine effetti a fumo professionali

Liquid Supply System
318,00 €
In magazzino - 0

Consumabili per macchine effetto nebbia

Oil-based haze liquid for CH-1 Cinema Haze Machine, 2 L
42,50 €
-1% (Listino43,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Effetti luce nera

High-output UV LED spot, 4 x 16 W high-powered UVLEDs, 600 Hz LED refresh rate
608,50 €
In magazzino - 0

Controller sistemi di sparo

Big entertainment switch to activate, or trigger, a pyrotechnic effect, red big button, safety switch
179,00 €
In magazzino - 0

Consumabili per macchine effetto nebbia

5 LT Purehaze Fluid, water-based, non-toxic and safe fluid for Stadium Hazer / Hazemaster
119,00 €
-16% (Listino142,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Consumabili per macchine effetto nebbia

HZL Oil-Based Haze Liquid for HZ Series Hazers, 1L
12,00 €
In magazzino - 0

Vari effetti speciali

Scent machine with built-in timer and DMX-512 compatibility
357,00 €
In magazzino - 0

Macchine a effetto Faze

F-12 Nebula
1300 W universal voltage fazer, 5 L fluid tank capacity, 3-pin and 5-pin DMX, compact & stackable flightcase
637,50 €
In magazzino - 0
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