Accessori per macchine spara coriandoli e stelle filanti

1" Back Caps used to seal the Pocket Air Cannon tube before detonation
10,50 €
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine spara coriandoli e stelle filanti

2" Back Caps used to seal the Pocket Air Cannon tube before detonation
11,50 €
-30% (Listino16,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine spara coriandoli e stelle filanti

1" Lifting Caps to push the glitter, confetti or streamers of the Pocket Air Cannon to a greater distance
17,50 €
-15% (Listino20,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine spara coriandoli e stelle filanti

2" Lifting Caps to push the glitter, confetti or streamers of the Pocket Air Cannon to a greater distance
33,00 €
In magazzino - 0

Consumabili per macchine a bolle

4 x 5 L Super Bubble Fluid, pre-diluted liquid ready to be used with the Bubble Master machines
155,00 €
-16% (Listino185,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Vari effetti speciali

Glow Plug, 1.5 V candle used in the Hand Flasher and Flint Flasher products
27,00 €
In magazzino - 0

Vari effetti speciali

Double Shot Flash Gun, allows you to fire two times before you need to reload
102,00 €
-16% (Listino122,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Vari effetti speciali

Electronic Flash Wand, "magic wand" that produces flames up to 3.5 m, battery and Flash Cotton need
102,00 €
-16% (Listino122,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Vari effetti speciali

Wax Torch, torch that recalls the Olympic one, burning time of approximately 1 h
9,00 €
-14% (Listino10,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Controller sistemi di sparo

One Shot Pyro Controller, portable pyrotechnic ignition system, capable of firing max. 2 ignitors in series
216,00 €
-14% (Listino251,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Controller sistemi di sparo

6/24 Pyroflash Unit, 6 channel control unit to ensure a large number of special effects combinations
671,00 €
-18% (Listino819,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Controller sistemi di sparo

2-way pyro controller powered by batteries
248,00 €
-16% (Listino296,50 €)
In magazzino - 0
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