Accessori per macchine effetti a fumo professionali

Link lead cable to connect the G300 smoke machine to each other, lenght 15 m
107,00 €
-28% (Listino148,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Macchine del fumo professionali

Continuous flow, water-based entry level smoke machine, max. output 19,000 m3/hour
868,00 €
-20% (Listino1.085,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine effetti a fumo professionali

Variflow Remote Control to control the amount of smoke produced by GFORCE 1
121,00 €
-16% (Listino144,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Flight Case per macchina effetto nebbia

Custiomized flight case for MVS only
265,00 €
-16% (Listino316,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine effetto nebbia

Curly Tube heater for the Neutron XS Hazer
91,00 €
-32% (Listino133,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine effetto nebbia

Straight Tube heating resistance for the Neutron XS Hazer
85,50 €
-27% (Listino116,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine effetti a fumo professionali

Varitime Remote Control to manage the amount and the duration of smoke produced by GFORCE 1
163,50 €
In magazzino - 0

Macchine del fumo professionali

Mini Mist
Portable smoke machine, smoke output 10,800 m3/h, 20 m autonomy without power supply, 9 kg
1.107,00 €
-20% (Listino1.384,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine effetti a fumo professionali

Mini Mist Ducting Adaptor to use in combination with Ducting Hose to lead the smoke where necessary
48,00 €
-16% (Listino57,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Accessori per macchine effetti a fumo professionali

Mini Mist Ducting Hose that allows you to lead the smoke where necessary with simplicity and precision
65,00 €
-14% (Listino76,00 €)
In magazzino - 0

Macchine del fumo professionali

Microfog Aerosol Machine able to create an effective dense fog effect up to 4 min and 40 s
875,50 €
-20% (Listino1.092,50 €)
In magazzino - 0

Fluidi e consumabili

4 x 5 L Industrial Smoke Fluid for 300, GF1, GF2 and GF3 smoke machines
308,50 €
-16% (Listino368,50 €)
In magazzino - 0
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