Systèmes de Tir

Wireless + charging control for PyroSlave
928,00 €
En stock - 0

Systèmes de Tir

16-channel ignition system
907,50 €
En stock - 0

Flight Cases pour Machines à Étincelles

Cyclone Flight
Flight case for 2 x SPARKULAR CYCLONE
206,00 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Confettis et Serpentins

Wireless version of the E-Shot, 500 m range in open field - power cable not included
437,00 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Confettis et Serpentins

uFetti Blower
Powerful confetti launcher, up to 18 m,
4 849,50 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Confettis et Serpentins

Confetti Gun
Handheld gun for firing 40 and 80 cm electric cannons filled with high quality confetti or streamers
875,00 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Gaz

uFlamer Gasboom
Gas Flamer - flame effect height from 2 to 8 m
2 115,00 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Confettis et Serpentins

Mega Cannon
Compressed air tank machine to fire large quantities of high quality confetti/streamers, 146.8 mm tube diameter
3 499,50 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Confettis et Serpentins

Confetti Booster 2 Electrical
Very powerful high quality confetti cannon, ideal for large events and sports games, electrical
3 280,50 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Confettis et Serpentins

Confetti Booster 2 Manual
Very powerful high quality confetti cannon, ideal for large events and sports games, 3/8" manual valve included
2 406,00 €
En stock - 0

Divers Effets Spéciaux

Drop system that drops curtains from a truss to unveil stages, buildings, products or special objects
292,00 €
En stock - 0

Machines à Effets CO2

CO2 Jet
Small device designed to blow white clouds of CO2, 3/8" tube inlet and powerCOM IN/OUT
787,50 €
En stock - 0
Produit ajouté à la liste de souhaits
Product already in wishlist